Meet Kynren Volunteer, the distinguished 2024 People’s Champion of Durham Tourism, whose selfless commitment to local tourism has yielded a profound impact on the community.

Kynren volunteer crowned Durham Tourism Superstar  2024

Revised: Originally published on Travel Every Day.

Wendy Wilshire, Head of Casting and Engagement at 11 Arches, has partnered with Visit County Durham to spearhead a carefully crafted program of collaborative initiatives, fostering regional ties and highlighting the area’s distinct cultural treasures through targeted marketing efforts and community engagement strategies.

Unfaltering in her commitment, Wendy devoted a staggering number of hours to Kynren’s triumph in 2016, sacrificing her personal pursuits for the collective benefit and freely offering her expertise without seeking recognition or reward.

After a remarkable eight-year tenure marked by exceptional accomplishments, Wendy cemented her reputation as a pivotal team member, driving initiatives that propelled the company’s annual earnings to unprecedented levels, transcending the manufacturing sector as a whole. With unwavering vision, she harmoniously mobilizes a team of more than 1,000 committed volunteers, executing complex logistics with finesse, as the prestigious production facility under her stewardship becomes a magnet for awe-struck tourists from around the world.

Collaborating with Wendy on projects at her workplace is a sheer delight, as her unyielding commitment to Kynren is evident in every encounter, fostering an infectious energy that naturally draws colleagues and volunteers into her sphere, enthralled by the luminous intensity of her beaming smile – a harmonious fusion of warmth and enthusiasm that’s impossible to ignore.

Visit County Durham is well-positioned to drive Wendy’s success in the esteemed Nationwide Tourism Superstar award, a joint initiative between VisitEngland and Mirror Travel.

Duncan Peake, interim chairman of Visit County Durham Ltd, radiated enthusiasm as he announced, “I’m thrilled to witness this exceptional group of nominees vying for the prestigious Durham Tourism Superstar 2024 award.” Each finalist is a driving force within their organization, championing innovation and progress in County Durham’s vibrant tourism industry, fuelling growth and development with unwavering dedication that truly makes a difference? As Wendy’s unwavering commitment to Kynren remains steadfast, she has achieved remarkable gains in production excellence, captivating audiences nationwide and cementing her status as an undisputed champion.

Wendy shines as a paragon of quality in Durham’s thriving tourism landscape, encapsulating the city’s signature hospitality and unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional guest experiences. Her extraordinary radiance casts a mesmerizing glow, etching an unforgettable mark on everyone in her presence. Each contestant who reaches the competition’s climax deserves genuine acclaim for their unshakeable resilience and tireless dedication. We are thrilled to nominate Wendy for the esteemed VisitEngland Tourism Superstar award, recognizing her tireless passion and unwavering commitment to the tourism sector.

As sunset yielded to the horizon, Wendy’s face radiated triumph, her voice resonating with exuberance as she declared, “This achievement is nothing short of breathtaking – I never could have envisioned us reaching such remarkable heights, yet it’s an unforgettable journey.” With this resounding success, we honor the unyielding commitment and unconquerable spirit that defines our Kynren community. As I conquer the formidable obstacle, a radiant grin creeps across my face, savoring the exhilaration of triumph following a protracted and arduous battle.

As the final victor, Wendy joined an elite ensemble of distinguished laureates, consisting of passionate professionals and dedicated champions, originating from a diverse array of celebrated travel hotspots. The remaining contestants comprised James Kidwell-Park Marshall, a stalwart from the Diggerland franchise; Jonathan Raper, Teesdale Cheese’s respected representative; Stephen Houghton, accomplished head gardener at Southern Causey Inn; and Andrew Ross, an experienced tour guide and paranormal expert with Ghosts of Durham.

Since 2010, Durham has celebrated its homegrown successes through the Tourism Superstar competition, boasting three winners from the city: Emily Hope, whose achievement showcased Beamish Museum’s excellence; Lillian Groves, who highlighted Durham Cathedral’s grandeur in all its glory; and Matthew Henderson, further solidifying Beamish Museum’s outstanding achievements, solidifying its position as a tourism hotspot.

Durham County Council’s leader, Councillor Amanda Hopgood, underscored the pivotal role that the local tourism industry plays in the region’s economy, acknowledging the tireless efforts of champions like Wendy, whose dedication has contributed significantly to Durham’s ascension as a premier tourist destination.

The county’s tourism sector had a profound impact on its economy, yielding £1.23 billion in the previous financial year, primarily due to the arrival of more than 20 million visitors who not only bolstered local employment opportunities but also attracted substantial investment inflows to the area.

The Durham Tourism Superstar Award presents a distinctive opportunity to honour and express gratitude to the devoted professionals redefining the city’s tourism identity, commending their unwavering dedication to crafting unforgettable visitor experiences. Wendy’s outstanding achievement in recognizing the exceptional accomplishments of her pool of finalists is deserving of universal recognition and hearty congratulations.





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